With 2021 coming to a close, I thought I’d look ahead to next year, and give everyone a sneak peak at some of our plans for 2022. It will be our first year running KLP Publishing as a full-time operation, and as our sole source of income. While the latter notion is a tad daunting, it gives us the opportunity to push forward with more book releases more often, including potentially branching out into new areas that we haven’t touched on previously.
One of the first and most important events happening for KLP in 2022 is that we’ll be moving into new digs mid-January! This will be a major operation, as we attempt to dismantle and move two decades’ worth of accrued ‘stuff’, and settle into new and unfamiliar surroundings. It will be worth the pain and disruption, however, as our new location will be a much better base of operations than our current one.
The first title for publication in 2022 will be Chuck Sawyer’s magnificent CF-104 build of the Italeri Starfighter:

This is planned for a January release, but may possibly be delayed by the move. Stay tuned!
Next cab off the rank is planned to be Pete Fleishmann’s amazing vignette featuring the Kitty Hawk 1/35 scale HH-60G Pavehawk:

And yes, that is Pete’s model in the cover image! We’re hopeful for a first-quarter release for this one.
Modeller’s Monograph Series
The BIG news for 2022, however, is that we will be collaborating with Geoff Coughlin of Scale Modelling Now on a 3-volume series covering British Phantoms, entitled, oddly enough, Building the British Phantoms.

This 3-volume set will spearhead our new Modeller’s Monograph Series, with Volume 1 slated for release in early Q2. It will feature a balanced mix of real aircraft and modelling content, with the aim being to produce a one-stop-shop for modellers interested in building a British Phantom. The series will cover the FG.1, the FGR.2, and the F-4J(UK). I’ll post more news about this as the project develops. As ever, stay tuned!
But Wait, There’s More!
Other projects in the queue for 2022, but without a set place in the schedule, include Chuck Sawyer’s Kitty Hawk 1/32 scale Harvard/Texan, and Peter Castle’s amazing Hawker Fury scratch-build in 1/18 scale (cover images subject to change):

We also have a number of other projects in development that may or may not see the light of day in 2022, but we’ll confirm those as they come to fruition. Some may falter and fall by the wayside, while others might more realistically be expected in 2023. One thing’s for certain, however, and that is that 2022 is going to be a big year, and we look forward sharing our news and releases with you as the year ahead unfolds. Make sure you subscribe to our blog to be notified of all the latest updates as they happen:
And for those of you who celebrate Christmas, I wish you all the best of the season!

See you all next year!