I thought I’d take a quick moment from unpacking boxes and assembling furniture, and give everyone a long overdue post-move status update. As many of you will be aware, the KLP family moved house on January 18, after months of planning and preparation, and weeks of work. I knew it would be a huge operation, but even I was unprepared for just how gargantuan the totality of the task would turn out to be!
I’m pleased to report that the KLP office is now set up, the new music studio is coming together, and the home gym is at the stage where I can start ignoring it. Sadly, my hobby room is little more than a storeroom right now:

Hopefully I can get this mess sorted quickly, and get back into building models seriously for the first time in several years.
Production activities at KLP are still on hold while I deal with everything that setting up a new house entails, but once we’re fully operational, it will be full steam ahead!
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More soon!