Phew, that was quick! Thanks to eagle-eyed customer Ferran Borrell for noticing that we’d misspelled the name of the pilot for Build 1, which occurs in the book no less than 213 times! Such are the advantages of digital publishing, however, that this rather egregious error was quick and easy to fix—and thus we now have v1.1 of Building the Wingnut Wings Pfalz D.IIIa in 1/32 Scale.
This update is free for all existing purchasers, so if you’ve already bought and downloaded the book, we strongly encourage you to grab it again by simply re-downloading it—either from your account if you have one, or by using the original download link in your order confirmation email.
To be sure you have the latest version, you can check the version number located at the bottom of the Copyright page (iii):

New purchasers will automatically receive the corrected version, so there’s nothing to worry about there.
Our sincere apologies for this rather perplexing oversight!