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v1.8 of “Building the Revell P-51D-5NA” Now Available!

One of the cornerstones of the KLP Publishing business model is lifetime free updates on all of our titles. And it’s not an empty promise, as anyone who has been following us for any length of time can attest. Our books get updated on an as-needs basis, and these updates can range from something as small as fixing a typo, all the way up to adding entire new sections to the book.

The fourth title in our Build Guide Series, Building the Revell P-51D-5NA Mustang in 1/32 Scale, was updated only a month ago, but here we are again, updating it to v1.8! There’s always been this one product image in this book that I’ve never been happy with, and I’ve finally been able to replace it with a slightly better version. And you can bet that if I find an even better version, I’ll be updating the book again!

As always, this update is free for existing purchasers, and new purchasers will always get the very latest version. If you purchased this book while logged in to your account, simply re-download it from the Downloads section of your profile on the KLP website. The original download link in your order confirmation email should also work. If you don’t have an account and haven’t kept the original email, create an account and then contact me, and we’ll get it sorted out.

To stay tuned for further news and updates, simply subscribe to our blog via email, and you’ll get all the latest in your in-box as it happens.

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Peter Castle’s Spitfire Book Turns 4!

The third book in our Build Special Series, Peter Castle‘s amazing Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale, turns four years old today! And to celebrate, for the next four days, we’ve reduced its price to just 18 Australian dollars.

This 567-page eBook features Peter‘s award-winning conversion of the HpH Models 1/18 Seafire 47 to represent a Spitfire XIVe—specifically, Race #80, as flown by James McArthur in the Tinnerman Air Races at Cleveland, Ohio, on September 4th 1949. The model won the National Senior Champion award (among many others) at Scale Model World in Telford in November 2017, and its construction is presented here in forensic detail.

“Hands down one of the best modelling books I’ve ever read.”
– Chris Becker, Australia

“An excellent tour de force. I like the format very much and it is easy to follow, thorough.
Peter Castle is the dedicated modeler that my book was intended to help. That he took his effort to such an extreme is truly amazing. He deserves every award and recognition coming his way. People say “it’s not brain surgery” but in his case I would have to say “it’s exactly that”. Such fine detail, the making of thousands of parts, developing techniques to make each part. Awesome!”
Paul Monforton, Canada

“Too bad there’s not an option for more than five stars! It’s hard to find builds more detailed or more interesting than the subjects Peter undertakes and Race 80 might be the icing on the metaphorical cake. You will not be disappointed with this book – over 500 pages of photos and text describing the build and showing some techniques that many model builders have probably not attempted before.”
– Mike Swinburne, USA

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“Building the Italeri CF-104” Reaches First Draft!

After a protracted development period, interrupted by a major relocation and associated resettling, I’m pleased to report that our next title, Building the Italeri CF-104 Starfighter in 1/32 Scale, by Chuck Sawyer, has now reached the first draft stage. Phew!

Currently at 273 pages and counting, not only does it include Chuck’s fantastic build, but also tutorials on creating a gloss black base for natural metal finishes, getting the best out of HGW’s Wet Transfer decals, and a whopping 65-page walkaround of the CF-104 that currently resides at The Military Museum in Calgary Alberta, Canada.

The book now enters its final development phase, and will be tweaked and polished over the next couple of weeks or so, with a tentative aim of releasing it at the end of the month.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to our blog for more news and updates right as they happen:

And while you wait for the Starfighter book, please check out the other fantastic titles in our catalogue!

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5th Anniversary Sale!

Tomorrow (31 March 2022) marks KLP Publishing’s 5th year in business, and to celebrate, we’ve decided to have yet another 20% off sale! For the next five days, you can get 20% off the value of your cart by using the coupon code 5YEARS at checkout. That coupon code again:


So, hop on over to our webstore and grab yourself a bargain!

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v1.7 of “Building the Revell P-51D” Now Available!

Anyone who has bought any of our titles before, or followed KLP Publishing for any length of time, will know that we occasionally revise and update our books—whether it be to fix typos, content errors, layout issues, or to add more content and pages. Best of all, we offer these updates free of charge to all existing purchasers of the title in question; in other words, lifetime free updates! And of course, new purchasers always receive the latest version of the book.

Well, now it’s the turn of the fourth title in our Build Guide Series, Building the Revell P-51D-5NA in 1/32 Scale, to receive an update—its seventh in fact! This update fixes some minor typographical and layout issues, and we’ve replaced one low-res product image with a better one. As such, v1.7 is not a critical or urgent update, and existing purchasers can download it at their leisure, or not bother at all!

If you purchased this book while logged in to your account, simply re-download it from the Downloads section of your profile on the KLP website. The original download link in your order confirmation email should also work. If you don’t have an account and haven’t kept the original email, create an account and then contact me, and we’ll get it sorted out.

In other news, we’re making some good progress with our next title, Building the Italeri CF-104 Starfighter in 1/32 Scale, by Chuck Sawyer, though I do hate to confess that we’re behind schedule at the moment. All going well, however, it should be ready well before the end of next month.

To stay tuned for further news and updates, simply subscribe to our blog via email, and you’ll get all the latest in your in-box as it happens.

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“Building the Special Hobby Tempest” Turns 1 Today!

Chuck Sawyer‘s first book with us, Building the Special Hobby Tempest Mk V in 1/32 Scale, is having its first birthday today! In this 227-page eBook, Chuck undertakes a forensic examination of the Special Hobby 1/32 scale Hawker Tempest Mk V kit, combining it with the Barracuda Studios resin nose upgrade set to produce a stunning model. He leads you through all the pitfalls of construction, and of integrating the resin nose and propellor into the kit.

We’ve included tutorials on decanting spray cans for airbrushing, achieving a flawless, high-gloss base coat, and working with HGW’s Wet Transfer decals.

And best of all, just like the rest of our catalogue, it’s currently 20% off using the coupon code backtobusiness at checkout!

We’ve also resumed work on Chuck’s next book for KLP Publishing, Building the Italeri CF-104 Starfighter in 1/32 Scale, which we’re hoping to finish and release within the next few weeks.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to our blog to keep up with all the latest news and updates:

More news soon!

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Back to Business Sale!

Today marks an important turning point in the drawn-out saga that has been our recent house move, as it sees me easing back into the hot seat at KLP Publishing for the first time since taking up residence in the new digs. I can’t say that we’re fully settled in just yet, but we can at least see some light at the end of the tunnel now!

The new gym space is nearly ready for action:

As is the music studio:

But most importantly, the hobby room is approaching a state of readiness:

Perhaps I can finally settle down and build some models now! (In the top right section of the photo, you can see the new LED panel studio lights I’ll be using for photography from now on, replacing my bulky tripod-mounted soft boxes.)

“But Kev, you mentioned a sale?”

Ah, yes. To celebrate surviving the move and finally getting back to business, we’re having a 20% off sale for the duration of this week, running from Monday, 28 February, through to Sunday, 6 March. Just use the coupon code backtobusiness at checkout to receive 20% off the value of your cart. That coupon code again:


I’m really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, and bringing some fantastic new titles to fruition this year. To stay tuned to all the updates and announcements, you can subscribe to our blog to receive email notifications:

More news soon!

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KLP Status Update!

I thought I’d take a quick moment from unpacking boxes and assembling furniture, and give everyone a long overdue post-move status update. As many of you will be aware, the KLP family moved house on January 18, after months of planning and preparation, and weeks of work. I knew it would be a huge operation, but even I was unprepared for just how gargantuan the totality of the task would turn out to be!

I’m pleased to report that the KLP office is now set up, the new music studio is coming together, and the home gym is at the stage where I can start ignoring it. Sadly, my hobby room is little more than a storeroom right now:

Hobby room or storeroom?

Hopefully I can get this mess sorted quickly, and get back into building models seriously for the first time in several years.

Production activities at KLP are still on hold while I deal with everything that setting up a new house entails, but once we’re fully operational, it will be full steam ahead!

Stay tuned for more updates. The best way to do so is to subscribe to our blog, where you will be notified by email whenever there’s a new post:

More soon!

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“Building the Revell He 219A-7” Now On Sale!

Today marks the third anniversary of the release of Build Guide Series No. 3, Building the Revell He 219A-7 in 1/32 Scale, by Iain Ogilvie. And to celebrate, we’ve reduced the price to just 12 Australian dollars for the next 7 days!

“I then purchased your eBook and it is outstanding!  Of all the reference I have on the He 219, this was a great addition on the building aspect.”
– James Fullingim, USA

“…the book is fantastic!”
– Juan Benitez

So head on over to our webstore and grab yourselves a bargain!