Building the Revell P-51D-5NA Mustang in 1/32 Scale


In this 103-page eBook, Jan Gabauer builds, paints, and weathers the new Revell 1/32 P-51D kit to produce an excellent rendition of Major Richard A. Peterson’s “Hurry Home Honey”.

The book features not only Jan’s terrific build guide, but also artwork by Juanita Franzi, a review of the kit itself, and an extensive set of appendices covering applicable aftermarket products and reference works.

v2.2 Now Available!

Note: all our prices are in Australian dollars.



In this 103-page eBook, Jan Gabauer builds, paints, and weathers the new Revell 1/32 P-51D kit to produce an excellent rendition of Major Richard A. Peterson’s “Hurry Home Honey”.

Jan combines the kit with some selected aftermarket detail sets to make the model both more detailed and more accurate.

Jan’s excellent build is well worth studying, and is documented here for your viewing pleasure.

The book features not only Jan’s terrific build guide, but also artwork by Juanita Franzi, a review of the kit itself, and an extensive set of appendices covering applicable aftermarket products and reference works.

And as with all our books, should more aftermarket products or reference titles be released, or we discover errors that need correcting, we will update the book accordingly. Anyone who purchased the pre-update version gets lifetime free access to all subsequent updated versions! All new purchasers will of course receive the updated version automatically.

v2.2 Now Available!

Note: all our prices are in Australian dollars.

What Our Readers Say

“lovely e book, just like all the others, highly recommended.”
– Aaron Scott, UK

“great publication – not to mention a fantastic model by Jan – on how to get the best out of the kit, very nice artwork also.”
– Andrew Birnie, UK

“Got the book, great source of inspiration!”
– Raphael Jumentier, France

“This is clearly a book written by modellers for modellers. The text is clear and concise and the great selection of crisp pictures is welcome. Highly recommended.”
– Julien Dixon, Britmodeller review

“It is the perfect reference for building the Revell P-51D-5NA.”
– Mitko Nikitov, Aeroscale review

“Great little (!) e-book – 97pages of info on the kit and how the author went about building his version! Bought my copy in June 2020 and referred to it constantly when building building my Revell Mustang. Definitely a recommended purchase for anyone wanting to build the Revell P-51D (early) and I would also suggest for the new P-51D (late).”
– John Brooks, UK

“…probably the best value for money I have ever seen…”
– John Wilson, USA

Additional information


Jan Gabauer


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