Building WWI Aircraft Dioramas in 1/32 Scale


This 106-page eBook showcases three of master modeller Jeroen Veen’s excellent WWI aircraft dioramas in 1/32 scale. Jeroen breaks down his approach to both building the kits, and planning and executing the dioramas, in a way that is easy to understand and follow, with plenty of tips and advice for modellers of any level.

Note: all our prices are in Australian dollars.



This 106-page eBook showcases three of master modeller Jeroen Veen’s excellent WWI aircraft dioramas in 1/32 scale.

The first, entitled The Smoke: Preparations for a Dawn Patrol, features the Wingnut Wings RE.8 kit in a scene with four figures as the contemplate the morning’s sortie.

The second diorama is a small vignette entitled Crashed. This shows a small boy surveying the scene of an aircraft crash, with all that remains being a forlorn engine.

The final diorama, Survivors, places the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII kit in a museum setting, complete with ancillary displays and admiring patrons.

Jeroen breaks down his approach to both building the kits, and planning and executing the dioramas, in a way that is easy to understand and follow, with plenty of tips and advice for modellers of any level.

Note: all our prices are in Australian dollars.

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Jeroen Veen


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