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“Building the Fly Arado Ar 234” is Now Available!

I’m pleased to announced that our latest Build Guide, Building the Fly Arado Ar 234 in 1/32 Scale, is now available!

Written by Kent Karlsen, this 154-page eBook sees Kent build not one, but two examples of the Fly 1/32 scale Ar 234 kit—a superb diorama featuring an Ar 234B-2, and a no-less impressive conversion to the four-engine Ar 234 V-6.

The book costs 15 Australian dollars, and can be purchased and downloaded from our web store:

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First Draft of “Building the Fly Arado Ar 234” is Done!

I’m pleased to inform you that the first draft of our next book, Building the Fly Arado Ar 234 in 1/32 Scale, has just been completed. The book is currently sitting at 156 pages, and features two builds of the Fly 1/32 Arado Ar 234 kit by Kent Karslen, along with a brief kit review, and appendices containing lists of applicable aftermarket products.

In the book’s first build, Kent super-details the kit—including engines from the Trumpeter Me 262—and places it in a superb diorama setting that includes a base made from real concrete!

For the second build, Kent converts the Fly kit to the 4-engine V6 prototype. This involved carving and moulding new engine nacelles, narrowing the fuselage and canopy, and scratch-building a take-off dolly. Posed with the Zoukei-Mura Kettenkrad and some crew figures, it makes for a striking model indeed!

The final release date and pricing are yet to be determined, but the revision process from here on out shouldn’t take too long. Please stay tuned for further updates as they come to hand!

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Introducing Kent Karlsen!

We’re currently about half-way through the first draft of the new Arado Ar 234 book, so I thought it might be a good time to introduce the author himself: Kent Karlsen. Please check out Kent’s new author profile on our website:

Kent’s fabulous Fly 1/32 Arado Ar 234B-2/N diorama—one of the two builds in his upcoming book for KLP Publishing.