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v2.0 of “Building Mac’s Birddog” Now Available!

I’m pleased to announce that a newly-revised and extended v2.0 of Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale: A Scale Tribute to Macaulay “Mac” Cottrell is now available!

This book is one of our oldest, being the second title we published, way back in 2017. We felt it was time to freshen it up a bit. The layout has been fully audited, and many pages have been completely revised to bring them in line with our more recent publications.

And as some of you may be aware, on 26 January this year, Mac was the deserved recipient of an OAM (Medal of the Order of Australia), as part of the Governor General’s Australia Day honours. We’ve included this latest update to Mac’s storied career in the book, including a full transcript of the award text.

Congratulations, Mac!

As a result of these changes, the book’s page count has increased by 16 to 177, but the price remains at a bargain 15 Australian dollars.

Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 177-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of Macaulay “Mac the FAC” Cottrell’s Cessna O-1 Birddog. Using the Roden 1/32 scale kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to represent Mac’s Birddog as he flew it in Vietnam in 1968.

The book also includes Mac’s recollections of his 47 years in the RAAF, along with his citations for the Silver Star and DFC for an action in Vietnam. We’ve also included an exclusive 53-page walkaround, featuring a whopping 95 photos by Rob Fox of Rob Fox Photography.

Existing purchasers are able to access the updated version for free. Simply log in to your account (or use your original download link) and re-download the book from the Downloads section of your profile. If you don’t have an account or the original download link, please contact me and we’ll sort it out. And of course, new purchasers will always receive the latest version.

Stay tuned for more news and updates as they come to hand.

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20% Off Christmas Sale!

With 2022 coming to an end, and Christmas upon us, I thought we might celebrate with a store-wide 20% off sale. Just use the coupon code XMAS22 at checkout to receive a 20% discount on the value of your cart.

That coupon code again:


So head on over to our webstore and grab yourself some bargains!

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“Building Mac’s Birddog” Now On Sale!

This week our second title, Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale: A Scale Tribute to Macaulay ‘Mac’ Cottrell, turns 5. And to celebrate, for the next 5 days only, we’ve reduced its price by a massive 33% to a mere 10 Australian dollars!

“Outstanding book! love it”
– Raphael Jumentier, France

“…it is surely the best source to build a Vietnam war O-1! Highly recommended!”
– Thierry Laurent, Belgium

“The Bird Dog book is excellent, got the Roden kit, and it’s been very helpful.”
– Graeme Buckley, New Zealand

“The download is superb, tons of photos, a great model build and a terrific price too. Well done to all involved.”
– Bruce Crosby, UK

So head on over to our webstore and grab yourself a bargain!

And don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more news and updates as they come to hand.

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“Building Brick’s Sabre in 1/32 Scale” Now On Sale!

Our very first title, Building Brick’s Sabre in 1/32 Scale: A Scale Tribute to K.J. “Brick” Bricknell, by Eric Galliers, turns 5 today! To celebrate, for the next 5 days we’ve reduced the price by a massive 33% to just 10 Australian dollars.

“…this is what a model book should be like in this format…”
– John Svendsen, Australia

“…it’s excellent. Not only a great how to, but a lot of back story of the Aussy Sabre and the pilot. That said, the real good part is the customer service.”
– Chuck Cook, USA

“This is a book written by modeller for modeller and it shows. The text is clear and concise and the pictures crisp. The additional history and words from the pilot really do add to the story of the aircraft. Highly recommended.”
– Julien Dixon, Britmodeller review

So head on over to our webstore and grab yourselves a bargain!

And stay tuned for the imminent announcement of our next project…

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Peter Castle’s Spitfire Book Turns 4!

The third book in our Build Special Series, Peter Castle‘s amazing Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale, turns four years old today! And to celebrate, for the next four days, we’ve reduced its price to just 18 Australian dollars.

This 567-page eBook features Peter‘s award-winning conversion of the HpH Models 1/18 Seafire 47 to represent a Spitfire XIVe—specifically, Race #80, as flown by James McArthur in the Tinnerman Air Races at Cleveland, Ohio, on September 4th 1949. The model won the National Senior Champion award (among many others) at Scale Model World in Telford in November 2017, and its construction is presented here in forensic detail.

“Hands down one of the best modelling books I’ve ever read.”
– Chris Becker, Australia

“An excellent tour de force. I like the format very much and it is easy to follow, thorough.
Peter Castle is the dedicated modeler that my book was intended to help. That he took his effort to such an extreme is truly amazing. He deserves every award and recognition coming his way. People say “it’s not brain surgery” but in his case I would have to say “it’s exactly that”. Such fine detail, the making of thousands of parts, developing techniques to make each part. Awesome!”
Paul Monforton, Canada

“Too bad there’s not an option for more than five stars! It’s hard to find builds more detailed or more interesting than the subjects Peter undertakes and Race 80 might be the icing on the metaphorical cake. You will not be disappointed with this book – over 500 pages of photos and text describing the build and showing some techniques that many model builders have probably not attempted before.”
– Mike Swinburne, USA

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Back to Business Sale!

Today marks an important turning point in the drawn-out saga that has been our recent house move, as it sees me easing back into the hot seat at KLP Publishing for the first time since taking up residence in the new digs. I can’t say that we’re fully settled in just yet, but we can at least see some light at the end of the tunnel now!

The new gym space is nearly ready for action:

As is the music studio:

But most importantly, the hobby room is approaching a state of readiness:

Perhaps I can finally settle down and build some models now! (In the top right section of the photo, you can see the new LED panel studio lights I’ll be using for photography from now on, replacing my bulky tripod-mounted soft boxes.)

“But Kev, you mentioned a sale?”

Ah, yes. To celebrate surviving the move and finally getting back to business, we’re having a 20% off sale for the duration of this week, running from Monday, 28 February, through to Sunday, 6 March. Just use the coupon code backtobusiness at checkout to receive 20% off the value of your cart. That coupon code again:


I’m really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, and bringing some fantastic new titles to fruition this year. To stay tuned to all the updates and announcements, you can subscribe to our blog to receive email notifications:

More news soon!

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KLP in 2022!

With 2021 coming to a close, I thought I’d look ahead to next year, and give everyone a sneak peak at some of our plans for 2022. It will be our first year running KLP Publishing as a full-time operation, and as our sole source of income. While the latter notion is a tad daunting, it gives us the opportunity to push forward with more book releases more often, including potentially branching out into new areas that we haven’t touched on previously.

One of the first and most important events happening for KLP in 2022 is that we’ll be moving into new digs mid-January! This will be a major operation, as we attempt to dismantle and move two decades’ worth of accrued ‘stuff’, and settle into new and unfamiliar surroundings. It will be worth the pain and disruption, however, as our new location will be a much better base of operations than our current one.

The first title for publication in 2022 will be Chuck Sawyer’s magnificent CF-104 build of the Italeri Starfighter:

This is planned for a January release, but may possibly be delayed by the move. Stay tuned!

Next cab off the rank is planned to be Pete Fleishmann’s amazing vignette featuring the Kitty Hawk 1/35 scale HH-60G Pavehawk:

And yes, that is Pete’s model in the cover image! We’re hopeful for a first-quarter release for this one.

Modeller’s Monograph Series

The BIG news for 2022, however, is that we will be collaborating with Geoff Coughlin of Scale Modelling Now on a 3-volume series covering British Phantoms, entitled, oddly enough, Building the British Phantoms.

This 3-volume set will spearhead our new Modeller’s Monograph Series, with Volume 1 slated for release in early Q2. It will feature a balanced mix of real aircraft and modelling content, with the aim being to produce a one-stop-shop for modellers interested in building a British Phantom. The series will cover the FG.1, the FGR.2, and the F-4J(UK). I’ll post more news about this as the project develops. As ever, stay tuned!

But Wait, There’s More!

Other projects in the queue for 2022, but without a set place in the schedule, include Chuck Sawyer’s Kitty Hawk 1/32 scale Harvard/Texan, and Peter Castle’s amazing Hawker Fury scratch-build in 1/18 scale (cover images subject to change):

Cover image subject to change
Cover image subject to change

We also have a number of other projects in development that may or may not see the light of day in 2022, but we’ll confirm those as they come to fruition. Some may falter and fall by the wayside, while others might more realistically be expected in 2023. One thing’s for certain, however, and that is that 2022 is going to be a big year, and we look forward sharing our news and releases with you as the year ahead unfolds. Make sure you subscribe to our blog to be notified of all the latest updates as they happen:

And for those of you who celebrate Christmas, I wish you all the best of the season!

See you all next year!

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Quick v1.3 Update to “Building Brick’s Sabre”

What was I saying earlier about crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s? Turns out, I jumped the gun slightly with the v1.2 update of Building Brick’s Sabre in 1/32 Scale. One of the only two reference books I could find that covered the CAC Sabre turns out to have never actually been published! I got the story directly from the publisher’s mouth to my own ears, but won’t recount it here. Suffice it to say, this has now caused me to update the book yet again, to v1.3!

For sake of both transparency and posterity, I’ve left the entry in question in the book, but suitably amended and explained, should anybody else come across its mention in their searches.

Once again, mea culpa!

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v1.4 of “Building Mac’s Birddog” Now Available & On Sale!

I’m pleased to announced that our second title, Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale: A Scale Tribute to Macaulay “Mac” Cottrell, by Eric Galliers, has now been updated to v1.4. And to celebrate, we’ve temporarily reduced the price by 30% to a mere 10 Australian dollars!

The update itself comprises a new Contents page with handy clickable links, and some minor layout and typographical tweaks.

As always, existing purchasers can download the latest version for free, while new purchasers will of course receive the updated version. For more information on how this works, please see my recent article on obtaining free book updates.

Here’s what some of our readers have said about this title:

“Outstanding book! love it”
– Raphael Jumentier, France

“…it is surely the best source to build a Vietnam war O-1! Highly recommended!”
– Thierry Laurent, Belgium

“I went through the whole book and I have to confirm that it is the top class product
there is everything – perfect build, interesting story and quality walkaround photos”
– Jan Gabauer, Slovakia

“The Bird Dog book is excellent, got the Roden kit, and it’s been very helpful.”
– Graeme Buckley, New Zealand

So, head on over to our webstore and grab yourselves a bargain! The sale will run until midnight Monday, 1 November.