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“Building the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII” Now Available!

I’m pleased to announce that Building the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII in 1/32 Scale is now available!

In this 380-page eBook, Gary Boxall builds not one, but two Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII kits in 1/32 scale. The first and most extensive build sees Gary detailing, modifying, and improving the kit to produce Gotthard Sachsenberg’s brightly-coloured machine. Gary walks the reader through any changes required, as well as offering plenty of hints and tips on how to get the best out of the build.

The second build leverages the first, and focuses on what it takes to produce a post-war Dutch version of this famous WWI aircraft.

We’ve also included our usual Appendices section, covering available aftermarket and reference material.

Building the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII in 1/32 Scale is available for immediate purchase and download for just 20 Australian dollars.

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Announcing “Building The Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII in 1/32 Scale”!

I’m pleased to announce that our next title will be Building the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII in 1/32 Scale by Gary Boxall. The book will feature two builds: an extensive build guide of a ‘typical’ Fokker built D.VII of WWI that utilises the more common Mercedes engine, followed by a smaller article focussing on building post-war Dutch Fokker D.VII with a BMW engine.

Work is just getting under way, so there’s no firm ETA on a release date, but please stay tuned for further news and updates as they come to hand.

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“Building WWI Aircraft Dioramas in 1/32 Scale” Now Available!

I’m pleased to announce that our latest eBook title, Building WWI Aircraft Dioramas in 1/32 Scale, is now available!

This 106-page eBook showcases three of master modeller Jeroen Veen’s excellent WWI aircraft dioramas in 1/32 scale.

The first, entitled The Smoke: Preparations for a Dawn Patrol, features the Wingnut Wings RE.8 kit in a scene with four figures as the contemplate the morning’s sortie.

The second diorama is a small vignette entitled Crashed. This shows a small boy surveying the scene of an aircraft crash, with all that remains being a forlorn engine.

The final diorama, Survivors, places the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII kit in a museum setting, complete with ancillary displays and admiring patrons.

Jeroen breaks down his approach to both building the kits, and planning and executing the dioramas, in a way that is easy to understand and follow, with plenty of tips and advice for modellers of any level.

The book is available now for immediate purchase and download for just 15 Australian dollars.

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“Building WWI Dioramas in 1/32 Scale” Reaches First Draft!

I’m pleased to report that our next title, Building WWI Dioramas in 1/32 Scale by Jeroen Veen, has just reached the first draft stage, and is on course for an imminent release.

This book showcases three of master modeller Jeroen Veen’s excellent WWI aircraft dioramas in 1/32 scale.

The first, entitled The Smoke: Preparations for a Dawn Patrol, features the Wingnut Wings RE.8 kit in a scene with four figures as the contemplate the morning’s sortie.

The second diorama is a small vignette entitled Crashed. This shows a small boy surveying the scene of an aircraft crash, with all that remains being a forlorn engine.

The final diorama, Survivors, places the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII kit in a museum setting, complete with ancillary displays and admiring patrons.

Stay tuned for the formal release announcement!