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Vol. 3 of “Building the British Phantoms” Reaches First Draft!

I’m pleased to report that our next title, Building the British Phantoms Volume Three: The F-4J(UK) in RAF Service by Geoff Coughlin, has just completed the first draft stage. The editing and revision process shouldn’t take too long, and we’re looking at an official launch by the end of the month.

The book currently weighs in at 389 pages, with 9 kits builds, 3 colour profiles, a cockpit walkaround, and chapters on the evolution and key features of the F-4J(UK). The book also includes a foreword by Group Captain Dick Northcote OBE BA RAF (Retd).

Stay tuned for news of the official release!

In the meantime, if you haven’t already, check out the first two volumes in the Building the British Phantoms series:

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v1.1 of “Building the British Phantoms Vol. 2” Now Available and On Sale!

I’m pleased to announce that v1.1 of Building the British Phantoms Volume Two: The FGR.2 in RAF Service is now available. And to celebrate, for the next 7 days, we’ve reduced the price to a mere 18 Australian dollars!

This update features some minor typographical polishing, and is not considered vital.

This update is free for all existing purchasers, so if you’ve already bought and downloaded the book, we encourage you to grab it again by simply re-downloading it—either from your account if you have one, or by using the original download link in your order confirmation email. If you don’t have either of those things, please contact me and we’ll sort it out. New purchasers will always receive the latest version.

Work on Volume Three continues apace, and it’s coming along very nicely. I figure we’re still on track for a release by the end of this month (September), so stay tuned for more news and updates!

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Announcing “The F-4J(UK) in RAF Service”!

I’m pleased to announce that our next title will be Building The British Phantoms Volume Three: The F-4J(UK) in RAF Service. This will complete Geoff Coughlin‘s massive 3-volume opus on the British Phantoms, following on from Volume One and Volume Two.

As the title suggests, this volume will focus on the 15 airframes that were designated F-4J(UK), with the now-familiar chapters covering their evolution and key features, along with 9 kit builds, 3 excellent colour profiles by Simon Hill, and walkaround photos. The book will also feature a foreword by Group Captain Dick Northcote OBE BA RAF (Retd).

Work is well under way, with a tentative release window set for early October. Stay tuned for more information and a formal release announcement as they come to hand!

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“Building the British Phantoms” Vol. 1 & 2 Now Available as a Discounted Bundle!

I’m pleased to announce Volumes One and Two of our Building the British Phantoms series have now been combined into a single, discounted bundle. This represents over 950 pages of UK Phantom goodness, for a mere 37 Australian dollars!

Building the British Phantoms Volume One

In this 366-page eBook, Geoff Coughlin—with the aid of a host of contributors—guides you through the specifics of building the FG.1 Phantom in Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm, and A&AEE service. With six kit builds, 20 colour profiles, chapters on the Evolution and Key Features of the FG.1, along with an extensive 61-page Walkaround section, this book is an essential resource for anyone wanting to build this particular version of the British Phantom.

For more details, see this title’s individual product entry.

Building the British Phantoms Volume Two

In this massive 595-page eBook, Geoff Coughlin—with the aid of a host of contributors—guides you through the specifics of building the FGR.2 Phantom in RAF service. With 11 kit builds, 26 colour profiles, chapters on the Evolution and Key Features of the FGR.2, along with an extensive 113-page Walkaround section, this book is an essential resource for anyone wanting to build this particular version of the British Phantom.

For more details, see this title’s individual product entry.

This bundle is available now for immediate purchase and download from our store.

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v2.0 of “Building the British Phantoms Vol. 1” Now Available!

A recent post on Britmodeller by modeller and customer John Bryon identified potential errors in our book Building the British Phantoms Volume One by Geoff Coughlin. We quickly determined that these errors were real, and needed to be corrected. These errors related to statements about the In-Flight Refuelling (IFR) not being fitted to most FG.1 Phantom, which is in fact not the case. I’d like to thank John for raising this issue, and also John Laidlaw for bringing them to my attention.

The relevant sections of the book have now been updated, and along with an amended cover and the usual typographical polishing, we now give you v2.0!

Existing purchasers are able to access the updated version for free. Simply log in to your account (or use your original download link) and re-download the book from the Downloads section of your profile. If you don’t have an account or the original download link, please contact me and we’ll sort it out. And of course, new purchasers will always receive the latest version.

Both Geoff and I apologise unreservedly for these errors, and thank all those involved in helping us correct them.

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“Building the British Phantoms Volume Two” Now Available!

I’m pleased to announce that the second volume in our planned three-volume British Phantom series, Building the British Phantoms Volume Two: The FGR.2 in RAF Service, is now available!

In this massive 595-page eBook, Geoff Coughlin—with the aid of a host of contributors—guides you through the specifics of building the FGR.2 Phantom in RAF service. With 11 kit builds, 26 colour profiles, chapters on the Evolution and Key Features of the FGR.2, along with an extensive 113-page Walkaround section, this book is an essential resource for anyone wanting to build this particular version of the British Phantom.

Also included is a small gallery of FGR.2 model builds, a chapter on special markings, and a list of useful reference resources. Foreword by David Gledhill.

I’m sure you’ll agree that, at just 22 Australian dollars, this really is a bargain!

And as with all our books, should any updates be required, anyone who purchased a prior version gets lifetime free access to all subsequent updated versions! All new purchasers will of course receive the updated version automatically.

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“Building the British Phantoms Vol. 2” Reaches First Draft!

I’m pleased to announce that our next title, Building the British Phantoms Volume Two, has reached the first draft stage of development. While this makes it sound like a mere halfway point, the book is in fact substantially complete, and now only needs some final revisions and a bit of spit and polish. We’re on track for a release before the end of January.

Not only that, but Volume Two has come in at a smidgen under 600 pages—and we thought Volume One was massive! It’s now our largest-ever publication, edging out Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale by Peter Castle (565 pages). If you’re familiar with Volume One, then you’ll know what to expect—just more of it!

Geoff Coughlin’s build of the Hasegawa 1/48 Phantom FGR.2, as featured in Volume Two of Building the British Phantoms.

Stay tuned for an official release announcement!

And don’t forget Volume One if you haven’t purchased it yet:

Note: all our prices are in Australian dollars.

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Announcing “Building the British Phantoms Volume 2”!

I’m pleased to announce that work has begun on the follow-up to Volume 1 of our Phantom series, and will be entitled Building the British Phantoms Volume Two: The FGR.2 in RAF Service. Geoff Coughlin again delivers in style, with 11 kit builds, 26 colour profiles by Simon Hill, Walkarounds of both FGR.2 XV424 and the Martin Baker Mk 7 ejection seat, and chapters on both the evolution and key features of the FGR.2 in RAF service. If you’ve seen Volume One, then you know what to expect—only, Volume Two will be even bigger!

Our launch target is the second half of January 2023, with some wiggle room to allow for the vagaries of the Christmas holiday period.

And if you haven’t checked out Volume One yet, it’s available from our webshop for a mere 20 Australian dollars.

Stay tuned for more news and information as it comes to hand!

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Building the British Phantoms Volume Two

Geoff Coughlin, author of our recent title Building the British Phantoms Volume One, has been beavering away its follow-up, entitled Building the British Phantoms Volume Two, oddly enough! Geoff has been in touch with some news about his progress, which I thought I’d share as something of a teaser:

I just wanted to give you a heads up on this next volume as I’m really excited – it is better by some way than Volume One.

I really just wanted to say that Volume Two stats so far are:

• 306 photos – excluding all the model builds
• 11 model builds covering all three scales: 1:72, 1:48 and a great conversion of the Tamiya F-4J into an FGR.2 – no mean feat by the contributor!
• 11 model gallery entries
• 26 profiles from Simon Hill

So a bit of an epic coming for Volume two. I hope you’ll like V2 as much as I do – a great Foreword too by Dave Gledhill former RAF navigator.

So there you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth: Volume Two is going to be epic! (And no, Geoff, I’m not calling you a horse!)

Volume One has been one of our most popular and successful titles, so if you haven’t checked it out already, I can only encourage you to do so.

And don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to keep up with all the latest news and information:

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v1.3 of “Building the British Phantoms” Now Available!

Yes, you read that right! Hot on the heels of the v1.2 release of Building the British Phantoms Volume One, Simon Hill, our esteemed provider of profiles, spots an error in one of his contributions. Well, you know the drill: the error has been corrected, and v1.3 is now available!

All new purchasers will automatically receive this new version, while anyone who has already purchased it will be able to download it for free, either from the Downloads section of their account, or using the original link in the order confirmation email. All you need to do is re-download the book to obtain the updated version.

If you have any trouble accessing the new version, please contact me and we’ll get it sorted out.