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Credit Card Payment Issues

A number of customers have recently brought to my attention some issues with paying by credit card in our webstore. The webstore uses the PayPal payment processing gateway for credit cards, and you don’t need a PayPal account to use this. Lately it appears that many—perhaps all—of these transactions have been failing, with the payment process stalling after submitting the relevant details.

Please be assured that when these transactions fail, no order is placed, and no payment is made.

Suffice it to say that I’m quite concerned by this, and have been following it up with the various software vendors involved in an attempt to get to the bottom of the issue. Standard PayPal payments are working fine, so until further notice, I can only advise that you use this option if it is available to you.

In the meantime, I’d like to thank those customers who alerted me to this issue, and will continue with efforts to resolve it, and as quickly as possible.

3 thoughts on “Credit Card Payment Issues

  1. Hi Kevin. I experienced that problem on Saturday trying to take advantage of your sale. I just had the spinning circle going round and round at the payment stage.

    1. Thanks for you input, George. This is the symptom that customers are reporting. I’m hoping to have the issue resolved soon, but no joy just yet.

  2. […] I reported that there had been some issues with customers attempting to pay using credit cards, with the […]